Tithes & Offerings.....
Why Do We Give?
We believe Christ followers should be the most generous people on the planet. By supporting worthy causes in our community and the world, the local church has the potential to be the greatest force for change!
We also believe you can’t out give God! Trusting Him with your tithes and offerings shows that you trust Him with everything – and He will take care of the rest. We believe the top competitor for our devotion to Jesus is our money. Giving helps us demonstrate that a relationship with Him is more important than our stuff.

Securely Give Online
Other Ways To Give
Give on Sunday
Give in the secure giving box found in the back of the sanctuary.
Mail in a Check
Please make your check payable to Praise Assembly Church and mail to our office at: 2000 Troy Ave, Pueblo, CO 81001
Text to Give
Text any dollar amount 84321
Download the Church Center app below onto your phone or tablet or scan the code